Monday, June 11, 2007

Do we really want assimilation? What do we teach our kids?

Cox and Forkum points here to a column saying that kids and not immigrants are the assimilation priority (keep in mind the writer says we want them to learn American individualism, which some Americans are fighting as a cancer on our culture):
But the argument about political correctness and multiculturalism is not really an argument against immigration. In fact, it only connects to immigration very incidentally. If the ability of our culture to induct people into the values of our civilization is in doubt, then what happens to 11 million illegal immigrants is a relatively small problem. What we really ought to be worried about is a group of 75 million people who desperately need to be assimilated into America's culture of individualism, taught the essential facts about America's history, and encouraged to appreciate the virtues of our political system.

I am talking about 75 million people who are, you might say, on an automatic track to citizenship, and all of whom will become newly eligible to vote in the next two decades.

I am speaking of the 75 million Americans under the age of 18.

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